Due to NEW AHS COVID 19 GUIDELINES issued on October 8, gatherings are limited once again to 15 people. In light of this, the October meeting has been CANCELLED.
If you had planned to pay your membership at the October meeting, President Eveline Garneau will accept cheques at her shop during regular business hours:
Signworks Plus, 15607 100a Ave NW, Edmonton
Please remember to write out the Society's full name on your cheque: Society of Western Canadian Artists – not the acronym "SWCA".
Doors open at 6:00 p.m.
Library opens: 6:30 p.m.
Meeting begins at 7:00 p.m.
We are glad to welcome you back as we restart our monthly meetings. Things will be a bit different with masks and social distancing, but our art enthusiasm remains.
Remember to return all library books. The library will be open with some sanitizing protocols.
PEOPLE'S CHOICE: If you are an Exhibiting, Associate or Signature member, you are invited to bring in one completed painting to be voted on by all members.
Winners will have their artwork displayed on the homepage of our website for one month, and shown in our website's Featured Artists section. This is a great opportunity to show your work – we all like to see what other members are doing. There is a winner for every 3 paintings entered, up to a maximum of 5 winners per event.
If you have won People's Choice in the last membership year (after August 2019), you are not eligible to enter at this time.
Urban Landscapes with Oksana Zhelisko
For the past two years, Oksana has been drawn to the character and uniqueness of cities. For her, the process of creating begins with a scene she feels carries a certain energy and evokes an emotion. She is drawn to subject matter with rich colours or intriguing light, painting both daytime and night time scenes, which allows Oksana to experiment with colour values and additional abstraction brought by darkness. There is so much to learn and explore in her technical ability and experimentation with abstraction.
Hope to see you there.